the animation player in
animation player anatomy
shift anchor your movement to the axes
this records all the changes on existing tracks
insert key records all changes and makes new tracks if needed
this will enable the reset track
the reset track runs when the node is loaded
the interpolation modifiers manage the frames between your key frames, like so:
the track settings, tells godot how to update the values
- Continuous: Update the property on each frame
- Discrete: Only update the property on keyframes
- Trigger: Only update the property on keyframes or triggers. Triggers are a type of keyframe used by the current_animation
the track interpolation,tells how fast the inbetween frames go
- Nearest: no inbetweens
- Linear: calculates the speed in base of the distance of the 2 keyframes de manera exponencial
- Cubic: calculates the speed in base of the distance of the 2 keyframes but rough than linear
the Loop modes
- Clamp loop interpolation: when the track ends it starts from the first frame
- Wrap loop interpolation: when the track ends the frames regress until they reach the first one
bezier curve its not in the “the track settings” but it behaves like one,it lets u edit the function of the interpolation
texture regions for sprite sheets
texture regions let us divide the sprite in different areas to work with. There are 3 “snap modes” for this purpose:
- pixel snap: …
- grid snap: requires that all frames share the same dimensions to separate them in grids(insert workflow addendum for asesprite)
- auto snap: godot detect which are the frames by spacing because of this , u cant use 2 separated objects in one sprite and this needs more position and rotation adjustment cos the sprites don’t have an opset with each other
regarles of whitch snap mode u use (grid snap in the example)_ _the animation workflow is still the same:
resources: place holder sprite script structure